Below are some frequently asked questions, perhaps you will find the answer yourself.
After you place an order on Matina.Store, the process works as follows:
Due to international sanctions, these steps are in place to ensure proper shipping, but Matina.Store guarantees the safe delivery of your order to your location. We are committed to providing a smooth and secure shopping experience despite the challenges.
Yes, international buyers can purchase from Matina.Store. We offer worldwide shipping and accept various payment methods, including Visa, MasterCard, Mir cards, and PayPal. We aim to support most payment options to ensure you can easily complete your purchase from anywhere in the world.
If you didn’t find the answer to your question in this section, you can reach out to us through the following methods:
Support Email:
Phone Support:
WhatsApp Support: Message us on WhatsApp
Social Media: Follow us on social media and send us a message
Our support team is ready to assist you with any questions or requests.